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Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A : (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided. (30MARKS) Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.

(a). Use of acaricides by either sparing/dipping animals.

(b). Burning infected pasture.

(c). Rotational grazing to stame the ticks.

(d). Fencing to restrict animal movement.

(e). Ploughing the land to burry the tick.

2 marks


i. Production of honey;

-sweetening beverages and drinks.

-has medical use; -dressing fresh wounds

-As a high energy feed.

ii. Sold to earn income (bee wax and honey)

iii. Require little capital and land.

iv. Pollinators for many crops.

2 marks


- Security


-Direct of prevailing wing.

-Soil type.



-Nearness to water source.

-Social amenities.

-Farmers preference.

-Future expansion possibility.

2 marks


- Wind power is unreliable.

-Not possible to control wind control.

-High initial cost in setting up wind meal.

-It is limited to areas where wind is prevalent.

2 marks



-Lose of appetite.

-Sow lies down frequently.

-Vulva swells.

-Mucus discharge from vulva.

-Sow prepares rest from the straw.

2 marks


- Fattening of male/poultry birds before marketing.

-Control breeding.

-Control inbreeding.

-Eliminate inferior/unwanted traits on the farm.

2 marks


-Encourage inbreeding/random mating.

-Difficult to control diseases/parasites.

-Encourages overstocking which lead to erosion.

-Poor production since the pasture is unimproved/poor quality pastures.

-No weed control and therefore weeds outgrow pasture crops, reducing quality and quantity.

-Difficult to keep individual records on performance and breeding.

2 marks



-Rubbering and elastrator.

-Dehorning saw.

-Disbudding iron.

-Dehorning wire.

(b). -Bullring and lead stick.

2 marks


-Allows the hen out once daily for exercise.

-Feed the bird properly.

-Dust the bird against ectoparasites.

-Set eggs in the evening or at night so that chicks will start emerging on the evening or night of the 21st day to increase the hatching percentage.

-Adequate number of eggs should be given (10-15) depending on the body size or plumage of the hen.

-Prepare the nest in a secluded place of the poultry house.

-Ensure the hen is completely broody before its allowed to sit on the eggs by use of china clay.

2 marks


-Rough coat.

-Digestive disturbance.

-Pot belly.



-Heavy infestation causes obstruction of the intestines.

-Eggs /proglottids are found in the faeces.

2 marks


-Presence of the calf near the cow/Sight of milk man

-Washing the udder with warm water.

-Noise/sound associated with milking.

-Provision of feed during milking.
-Restraining the animal for milking.

2 marks



-Toggen burg

-British alpine



2 marks


-Nutritional composition of the feedstuff.

-Cost of feedstuff.

-Feed availability.

-Physical/processing nature (colour, smell, presence of foreign bodies).

2 marks


(a). -Bacteria /bacillus anthracis


-Animal age.

-Sex of animal.

-Colour of animal.

-Change of climate/environment.




-Physiological conditions e.g fatique.

-Control with sick animals.

-Tractor drawn

2.5 marks


- Discs horrows.

-Spike toothed horrow.

-Spring line horrow.

-Zigzag horrows.

1 marks


-Natural breeding.

-Embryo transplant.

-Artificial insemination.

1 marks


- Prevents dilution of the dip wash during the rains.

-Controls evaporation of the dip wash hence maintaining dip wash level.

-Harvesting of rainwater used in the maintenance of dip wash.

1 marks

SECTION B: (20 Marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided

20 marks


(i). Management practice; -Hoof trimming with trimming knife.


(a). –Overgrown roof – Difficult in walking (1 x 1 = 1 mark)


(i).Cracked hoof –entry point of pathogens

(ii) Overgrown (1 x 1 = 1 mark)

(iii). Disease controlled by the illustration process. -Foot rot. (1 x 1 = 1 mark)

3 marks


(a).Identify the diagram; -Artificial vagina. (1 x 1 = 1 mark)


K -Rubber casing (1 mark)

L -Collected semen.(1 mark)

(c).Importance of warm water; - Gives conducive condition to facilitate ejaculation. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

4 marks


(a). Types of pass stille (1 x 1 = 1 mark)

(b). Pass – Allow only human passage. While a gate allows for both human and livestock in and out the farm. (1 x 1 = 1 mark –mark as a whole) (mark as whole)

(c). Disadvantages of barbed wire fence in paddocking;

-Cause injuries.

-Lower quality of skin and hide.

-Remove wool from sheep.

-Small animal can pass through widely spread wires.

(Any two (2 x 1 = 2 marks)

4 marks


(a). Identify parts

- M - Landwheel 1 x ½ =½

- N – Share 1 x ½ =½

-O – Landslide 1 x ½ =½

-P- Mouldboard 1 x ½=½ (Total = 2 marks (

b). Function of part M

-Adjustment of ploughing depth/ penetration.

-Ease of implement movement during drought because of its rotational characteristics. (First 1 x1= 1 mark)

(c).Maintenance practice on N

-Sharpen the share

-Replace when worn out parts (Any 1 x 1 mark)

4 marks

SECTION C: (40 Marks)

Answer only two questions in this section in the spaces provided. (40MARKS) Answer only two questions in this section in the spaces provided.

(a). Characteristics of merino sheep.

-Small in body /angular in form.

-Drooping rump.

-Narrow in the chest-close together front.

-Muzzle flesh colored.

-White hooves, wool and horns.

-Slow maturing.

-Lambing percentage of 100.

-Hardy breed does well under extensive conditions.

-Have good flocking instincts.

-They produce fleece that is highly valued.(First 6 x 1 = 6 marks)

(b). State and explain possible reasons for maintaining farm tools equipment.

-To increase durability. Properly and well maintained and cared tools last longer in the farm. They give the farmer a long service.

-To reduce the replacement cost. Tools and equipment are expensive to buy and replace. If well taken care of they last and the farmer does not spend capital replacing them. This reduces the total cost of production in the farm.

-Increased efficiency. Well maintained tools work better and more efficiently to give a clean, well finished piece of work. Poorly kept tools are often toot difficult to work with and require a lot of energy.

-To avoid injury to the user. Using a poorly maintained tool might result to injury of the user e.g using a blunt cutting tool which has a broken handle leads to development of blisters on the hand of the user. If well maintained, tools become safe to use.

-To avoid damage to the tool. Poorly maintained tools get damaged easily.

(Stating 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

(Explanation 5 x 1 = 5 marks

Total 10 marks

(c).Procedure of training a calf for bucket feeding.

-Wash and disinfect the hands to the used.

-Put milk in a clean shallow bucket.

-Push calf backwards to the corner of the calf pen.

-Holding the bucket with the left hand, dip two or three fingers of the right hand into the milk and then place the finger into the mouth of the calf to suck.(do this repeatedly.)

-Slowly guide the calf into the milk bucket by lowering fingers into the bucket while the calf still sucks the fingers.

-Ensure the calf’s head is slightly raised. This allows it to suck readily.

(4 x 1 = 4 marks)

20 marks


(i). Causal organism.

Virus /Avianfox

(ii). Symptoms

-Injuries (lesions)observed on the comb/wattles.

-Lesions may also occur on the legs, vent, feet and under wings.

-In severe attacks, birds loose apetite, become emolliated and eventually die.

-Discharge of watery liquid in the eyes and nose.


(iii). Control measures of fowl typhoid.

-Remove and kill all effected birds.

-Vaccinate remaining healthy birds.


(b).Five ways used to control cannibalisms in poultry productions.

-Use dim light in poultry house.

-Avoiding overcrowding in the poultry house/provide adequate space.

-Adequate balanced diet for chicken.

-Keeping birds according to their age.

-Controlling external parasites.

-Hanging green vegetation in the poultry house to keep birds busy.

-Debeaking birds that peck at others.

-Culling persistent cannibals.

-Providing adequate feeds.

-Ensuring proper ventilation of the poultry.

(c). Factors considered when formulating livestock rations.

(i). Nutritive value. - It should contain all the animal’s body nutrient repairement in their correct proportions.(should be balanced ration)

(ii).Highly digestable - The animal will require less amounts hence reduced cost of production.

(iii).Highly palatable. - Encourages the animal to eat with relish.

(iv).Free from contaminants such as mould and poisons.

(v). Availability – Should be made from locally available materials to reduce the costs.

20 marks


(a). Maintenance paradises on a mould board plough.

-Lubricate moving parts.

-Sharpen blunt share.

-Tighten loose bolts and nuts.

-Clear the plough after use.

-Replace worn out parts.

-Coat the unpainted parts with old engine oil before long storage.

(b). Structural and functional differences between the petrol and diesel engines.

(c). Reasons for culling a boar

-Old age

-Poor health

-Low libido/infertile

-Physical deformities

-Heredity defects

-Avoiding inbreeding

20 marks

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