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Biology Paper 3


(a) Specimen R.

Mode of pollination: insect pollination;

Adaptive features; (i) Large petals to make it conspicuous;

(ii) Brightly coloured petals to attract insects.(at distance)

(iii) Specimen SI

Mode of pollination: wind pollination

Adaptive features: (i) Anthers are large attached to long filaments to be easily swayed by wind to disperse pollen grains.

(ii) Stigma is large/feathery/hangs outside the flower to increase surface area for trapping pollen grains in the air.

(b) Stamen are numerous; with fused filaments; to form common/staminal tube;

(c) X - Filament

(d) Class: dicotyledonous (reject wrong spelling)

Reason: five floral parts/petals.

13 marks



(i) Milk powder.√(1)

(ii) Stomach.√(1)

(iii) Rennin/Pepsin/√(1)

b(ii)tied to b(iii)

(iv) Marasmus.(1)

14 marks



(i) Flesh;

( ii) It has sharp and curved claws/ talons for grasping the prey;


(i) 1 Homologous;

ii) 2 Analogous;


(i) Convergent evolution;

(ii) Divergent/Adaptive Radiation;


1 - Enable organisms of same embryonic origin to feed on different type of food (reducing competition among organisms and increasing chances of survival);

(e) Pentadactyl limb;

(f) initially all organisms in photograph B had webbed feet; due to staff competition for food they started using feet as peddles in search of food and water; the feet developed/acquired webs, that were transmitted to subsequent generations;

13 marks

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