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Christian Religious Education Paper 1

Answer any five Questions.

-The order of creation is seen in the first account but not there in the second account.

-Male and female are created together in the first account while in the second man is created first.

-In the first account, creation is out of nothing while in the second account man was made the dust and plants grew from a garden.

-Human being are created last in the first creation account while in the second account, they are created first.

-God gave names to what he created in the first account while in the second, man was to name them.

- In the first account man was to subdue the earth while in the second account, man was to be in the Garden of Eden.

-Creation is completed in six days in the first account while days are not mentioned in the second account.

-The day of rest is mentioned in the first account but in the second account, this day it is not mentioned.

-There is no forbidden tree in the first account while in the second account, it is mentioned.

-In the first account, the spirit of God was houvering over water while in the second account, the spirit of God is not mentioned.

-Everything that God created in the first account was good, while in the second, God said it is not good that man lives alone.

-God created in unity with other beings in the first account while in the second account, God created alone.

-Human beings were created for procreation in the first account while in the second, they were created for companionship. (7 x 1 =7 mks)

(b)Attributes of God from the biblical accounts of creation.

-God is orderly – He gave orders to the times of day and created the universe in an orderly manner.

-God is the sole creator – He created the universe and everything in it.

-God is mighty/powerful – He created the whole universe by the word of mouth.

-God is loving and merciful – He saw Adam was lonely and created him a companion .He also gave him the garden of Eden.

-He is the provider and sustainer of life - He breathed His breath into human beings.

-He is Omnipresent and transcendent – He is a spirit

-He is a work – He moulded man.

-He is Omniscient – He knew what Adam and Eve had done before they told Him.

-He is Universal- He is a God of all creation

-He is personal – He made human beings in His image

-He is moral – He regulate man’s behavior.

-He is good – What he created is good.

-He is immortal/ eternal – He existed before everything. (5 x 1 =5 mks)

( c )Effects of evil in the societies.







-Physical and mental handicapped children

-Rebellious children

-Unstable families


-Environmental disasters ( 1 x 8 = 8mks)

20 marks


(a)Explain 4 ways in which the early life of Moses prepared him for his future role.

i. Moses was spared when the Israelites’ baby boys were being killed.

ii. He was nursed by his own mother so he was able know the custom of his people i.e. the Jews.

iii. He was brought up in Pharaoh’s palace, hence, he learnt leadership skills

iv. His experience as a prince enabled him to handle Pharaoh

v. He received the best education in the palace which enabled him to later write parts of the Bible.

vi. After killing the Egyptian, he fled into the wilderness, this enabled to know the desert routes and the hardship experienced hardened him.

vii. As a shepherd looking after the flock he learnt to be patient, keen and responsible.

viii. As a married man he was able to show love, tolerance and concern to the Israelites.

ix. His knowledge about God enabled him to teach the Israelites about Yahweh and monotheism. (4 x 2 = 8mks)

(b)Describe the making of the Sinai covenant (7mks)

i. An altar was built by Moses supported by 12 pillars to represent the tribes of Israel.

ii. Young men were told by Moses to sacrifice the oxen.

iii. Moses put the blood of the oxen in basins

iv. He took half of the blood and poured it on the altar

v. Then he read the Ten Commandments to the people.

vi. The people promised to obey God.

vii. Moses took the remaining blood and sprinkled it on the people saying “this is the blood of the covenant which the Lord made with you.” (Clearly well explained points (7 x 1 = 7mks)

(c) What lessons do Christians learn from the life of Moses.

i. Faithfulness – Moses was faithful to God and remained obedient to him even when the Israelite wavered in the belief in their belief and worshipped the golden calf.

ii. Courageous

iii. Patient

iv. Obedient

v. Loving and kind to his people

vi. Forgiving

vii. Prayerful (5 x 1 =5mks)

20 marks


(a)Reasons why king Solomon became famous after the death of his father David.

-He built a beautiful Temple in Jerusalem.

-He was a successful merchant - he established& developed trade with neighbouring countries.

-He built up a professional army.

-He established an organised civil administration.

-He received tribute from the philistines and this enriched his kingdom.

-He was a talented musician.

-He brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem Temple.

-He developed diplomatic relations with foreign countries by marrying the daughter of the kings of those countries.

-He was a great Wiseman and a man of insight.

-He was a shrewd diplomat – He valued peace than war. (Any 7 x 1 = 7mks)

(b)How idolatry affected the religious life of the Israelites.

-It led to syncretism development whre the Yahweh religion was fused with the Canaanite religion.

-Yahweh places of worship were turned to places of the worship for Canaanite gods.

-Israelites adopted the Canaanite agriculture calendar.

-Names for Canaanite gods were used for Yahweh

-Children were named after Baal

-Canaanite sacrificial system was incorporated into Israelite worship.

-King Ahab through the influence of his wife Jezebel declared Baalism a compulsory/ state religious.

-Yahweh’s altars were destroyed by Jezebel

-Prophets of Yahweh were killed

-450 prophet of Baal were made the official of the royal court. (Any 8 pts x 1 =8mks)

(c) Factors that influence people today involve themselves in cultic practices.

-High poverty level

-Freedom of worship.

-Greedy for material wealth

-Lack of faith in God.

-Influence from foreign cultures.

-Lack of guidance and counseling

-Greed for power

-Peer influence

-Frustrated in life. (1 x 5pts = 5mks)

20 marks


i. Communicated God’s message to the people

ii. Taught the people the covenant way of life

iii. Called people to repentance

iv. Warned people of God’s impending judgment

v. They revealed God’s will to the people

vi. They gave people hope of salvation

vii. They condemned the evils in the society (6mks)

(b) Teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the lord.

i. It will be a day of terror and disaster.

ii. God will punish the Israelites for their disobedience/ he will remember their evil deeds

iii. The land shall tremble /there will be earthquakes.

iv. People will mourn/no happiness

v. There will be darkness at noon / eclipse.

vi. The feasts and festivals will not be joyful

vii. People will thirst /hunger for the word of God.

viii. People will faint in the process of searching for the word of God.

ix. It will be a day of disappointments to the Israelites.

x. The wicked will not escape God’s judgment (6mks)

(c) How do Christians play a prophetic role in the society today?

-Offers prayers to God.

-Condemn all evils in the society

-Preach the good news

-Protect the vulnerable- poor, orphans etc. (2x4=8 mks)

20 marks


(a)Occasions when Nehemiah prayed.

-When he learnet about the suffering of the Jews back in Judah and the ruined state of the Jerusalem wall

-Before making his request to king Artaxerxes to be permitted to go back to Judah.

-When his enemies ridiculed the Jews to discourage them from rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.

-When he learnt about his enemies conspiracy to attack Jerusalem to stop construction.

-After his condemnation of the oppression of the poor.

-When his enemies plotted to destroy him to stop the rebuilding of the wall.

-When shemaiah attempted to frighten him to hide in the temple claiming there was a plot to kill him.

-When he cleansed and reorganized the temple liturgy.

-After warning the people of Judah against violating the Sabbath law

-After chasing away the son- in – law of sanballat the Halonite.

-After cleansing the Israelites of foreign influence (1 x 8 = 8mks)

(b)Promises made during the renewal of the covenant.

-Not to intermarry with foreigners

-Not to harvest the crop of the seventh year but leave it for the widows and orphans

-To keep the Sabbath day holy

-To obey God’s law

-To cancel all the debts owed to them by fellow Israelites

-To bring their firstborn sons, firstborn animals and first fruits to the temple

-To bring tithes.

-Priests and Levites were assigned duties.

-Wood for burning the offerings was to be brought at the proper time.

-They were to bring their offerings or the first cone and the fruit at their harvests.. (7 x 1 = 7mks)

(c) How the church should reform Christian community.

-Encourage people to pray

-Supply people with bibles for reading

-Insisting that people attend church services/preach to them.

-Report wrong – doers to the authority for action

-Involve Christians in constructive activities/ employ them.

-Build schools, hospitals for them.

-Creating rehabilitation centres.

-Offering guidance and counselling sessions. (5 mks)

20 marks


(a)Factors that led to Harmony and mutual responsibilities in African communities.

-Political organization – Community organization provides room for dialogue, role within family clans and communities ensure, some kind of orders

-Leisure activities, like entertainments brings people together

-Traditional education system which is life long teaches values, customs, duties and obligations to the members.

-Division of labour makes the community members knows his /her role according to the custom.

-Kingship ties – define how individuals should relate.

-Religious beliefs and practices –religion unifies people in a community

-Beliefs in common ancestry creates a sense of oneness and brotherhood.

-Communal ownership of land- ancestral land is communally owned by family and clans, this bring them together. (7pts x 1 = 7mks)

(b)Give the moral values inculcated in marriage rites.


-Respect / Courtesy

-Responsibility / Hardwork

-Hospitality /Kindness.

-Tolerance / perseverance / endurance /patient






-Courage (7pt x 1 = 7 mks)

(c) Explain how the bride wealth in traditional African communities have been affected by modern economic system.

-Introduction of money economy have made some people to regard bride wealth as bride price-there is selling and buying of a woman.

-Very high payment is demanded by some parents beyond the means of the groom.

-Some parents refuse their daughter to be married if their demand are not met.

-Couples prefer to elope- live together without an official marriage due to high demand .

-Payment of bride wealth is ignored.

-Wealthy families do not value bride wealth and only stress on love in marriage. (6 pts x 1= 6mks)

20 marks

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