Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Marking Scheme
Islamic Religious Education Paper 2
(a)Social implication of drug and substance abused
-Increase in family break ups
-Increase in mortality rate
-Increase in cases of delinquency
-Increase in cases of domestic violence
-Increase in poverty rate
-Increase in school drop- outs
-Increase in sexual perversion ( 7 x 1 marks)
(b)Teachings of Islam forgiveness
-one should forgive in order to be forgiven by Allah
-Forgiveness may be divine or human
-Forgiveness is attained through genuine repentance
-Forgiveness elicits divine rewards
-The original source of forgiveness is Allah
-Forgiveness is an attribute of Allah
-Forgiveness may not be granted for Shirk or in cases of defending faith , life or property ( 6 x 1 marks)
(c) Reason why Muslims are prohibited from eating:
(i) Pork and its products
- To promote their health
-To promote their hygiene (2x1 marks)
(ii) Blood
-To promote their health
-To promote their dignity and respectability
-To promote their hygiene (3x1 marks)
(iii) Carrion
-To promote their health
-To promote their dignity and respectability
-To provide food for other creatures (3x1 marks)
20 marks
(a) Factors that led to the emergency of Shia Islam
-Episode of Ghadir Khum
-Death of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
-Accession of Abubakar to caliphate
-Assassination of caliph Uthman
-Martyrdom of Hussein at Karbala
-Accession of Ali to caliphate
-Formulation of the doctrine Imamate
(b)Ways in which the Ansaar facilitated the establishment of Islam during the prophet’s time
-Actively participated in the campaigns against the enemies of Islam e.g Badr
-Took part in the construction of mosque e.g the prophet’s mosque in Madina
-Welcome the Muslim emigrants (Muhajirun)from Mecca
-Formed part of the prophet’s advisory council
-Facilitated the development of the text of the Qur an e.g Zaid bin Thabit
-Took part in the propagation of Islam in Arabia and other areas
-Embraced Islam
-Took part in the preservation of the prophet’s traditions (Hadith and Sunna) ( 8 x 1 marks)
(c) Give reasons why Abubakr (R.A) was elected as Caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
-He displayed leadership qualities e.g during the prophet’s IIInes ,after his death
-He was among the earliest people to embrace Islam
-He was a close companion of the prophet (S.A.W)
-He facilitated the establishment of Islam in Arabia
-He had high moral integrity and piety
-Need for a successor of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
-He was endorsed by Umar (R.A.A)and other prominent companions of the prophet(S.A.W) (6 X 1 marks)
20 marks
(a)"Islam was not spread by the sword†justification of this statement using five examples from the life
of prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W)
-The prophet(S.A.W)emphasized on sanctity of human life
-The prophet (S.A.W)encouraged peaceful co existence between Muslims and non Muslims
-The prophet (S.A.W)prohibited Muslims from engaging in aggression
-The prophet (S.A.W) prohibited Muslims from using force to compel others into their way of life
-The prophet (S.A.W)encouraged tolerance between Muslims and non Muslims
-The prophet (S.A.W)emphasized on sanctity of others’ interest
(b)Reason for the coming of the Muslim into the coast of E.Africa
-To seek refugee from oppression
-To trade
-Navigation and exploration
-To spread Islam
-To establish settlements
( c )Why the Quraysh opposed the teachings of the Qur an during the formative years of Islam
-To promote idolatry
-To safeguard their economic interests
-To safeguard their ancestral traditions
-To maintain political power and influence of their clans
-To maintain their social way of life
-To satisfy their ego
20 marks
(a) Problems faced by Muslim traders in carrying out their day to day activities in Kenya
-High taxation
-Insufficient Islamic banking services
-Inadequate Islamic insurance services
-Insufficient capital
-Unfair competition ( 6 x 1 marks)
(b) Teachings of Islam on debts
-Debts should be recorded in writing
-Debts should be incurred within one’s capability
-Debts should be paid back without interest
-Debts should be incurred for lawful purposes
-Debts may be forfeited by the creditor if one is incapable of paying back
-A representative may be allowed to pay back one’s debts in case of death
-Terms of payment of debts should be dictated by the borrower
-Debts should be cleared promptly when payment date is due
-Debts should be certified by two reliable witnesses (6 x 1 marks)
(c) Duties of a mother in a Muslim family
-Preserve the life of her children
-Provide parental guidance and counseling
-Act as a role model for her children
-Provide love / affection for the family
-Nurse the children
-Maintaining the property of the family
-Safeguard legitimacy of her children (7 x1 marks)
20 marks
(a)"Among lawful things ,divorce is the most hated by Allahâ€. Measures that could be taken by Muslims to prevent cases of divorce in the society today
-Create awareness of the consequences of divorce
-Establish marriage counseling centers
-Promote poverty eradication initiatives e.g Zakat
-Engage in campaigns against drug and substance abuse.
-Create awareness on the need to be faithful in marriage.
-Strengthen the family institution.
-Seek divine intervention through prayers and supplication.
-Engage in campaigns against sexual perversion
-Promote the institution of dowry.
-Engage in campaigns against domestic violence
-Engage in campaigns against forced marriages (7x1 marks)
(b)Reason why the study of IRE creates international awareness among the students in Kenya
-Enables one to appreciate the universality of Allah as the creator and sustainer of all nations.
-Helps one to appreciate unity and equality of the people of all nations
-Provides one with skills to cope with global issues e.g HIV/AIDS
-Enables one to develop tolerance and respect towards the people of other nations in order to promote global peace
-Helps one to appreciate the wonders of Allah’s creation and develop a sense of responsibility in taking care of the environment - Helps one to appreciate the role of Islam in the development of human culture and civilization ( 6 x 1marks
( c )Ways in which a Muslim’s attitude towards the environment shows belief in God
-Performing prayers (salatul Itisqai) to seek rain during drought
-Using mountains and plains for rituals of Hajj and Umrah
-Using water and soil to purify themselves for acts of worship
-Taking care of Allah’s creatures
-Burying the dead in the ground to fulfill Allah’s command
-Using land and its resources responsible as agents of Allah (Khalifa) on earth
-Classifying foods and drinks as Halaal (Illicit) and Haram (IIicit)
-Allowing use of herbs , roots and seeds as cure for diseases ( 7 x1 marks)
20 marks
(a)Islamic reforms advocated by Uthman dan Fodio in the society
-Discourage use of fines in places of Qur anic punishments
-Promoted education for women
-Discouraged use of royal titles and abject reverence for kings
-Discouraged slavery
-Discouraged traditional African beliefs
-Discouraged abuse of the rights of women
-Discouraged cattle tax (jangali) and meat tax
-Discouraged music
-Transformed the Hausa Kingdoms into Jamaa under Amirul Mu’mineena (7 x 1 marks)
(b)Problem did Sayyid Qutb face in his lifetime
- Was forced to resign from civil service
-His organization (Muslim Brotherhood) was banned in Egypt
-Was accused of plotting to assassinate President Gamal Abdel Nasser
-Was arrested for opposing the government
-Was accused of plotting to overthrow the government of Gamal Abdel Nasser
-Was executed in 1966 (6 x 1 marks)
(c) Views of Ibn Khaldum on the study of History
-Historical events should be related through cause and effect
-Comparison should be made between the past and present
-Effects of the environment should be considered in studying history
-Effects of inherited and economic condition should be considered in studying History
-Historians should be objective
-Historians should examine reported information before accepting it
- History should include study of social , religious and economic condition (7 x 1 marks)
20 marks