Agriculture Paper 2 Marking Scheme
Agriculture Paper 2
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces providedPredisposing factors of livestock diseases.
- Age of the animal.
- Sex of the animal.
- Colour of the animal.
- Change in climate /Environment.
- Hereditary/breed of animal /Genetic factors
- Environment
- Overcrowding
- Physiological conditions
- Animal coming in contact with sick animals.
- Immunity level of the production.
- Level of production (½x4=2 mks)
2 marks
Symptoms of Rinderpest
- Profuse diarrhea and dysentery(blood-stained faeces)
- Eye lachrimation(watery eyes)
- Animal grinding their teeth
- Fever/high temp’
- Nasal and mouth discharges
- Staring hair coat
- The mucous membrane of mouth and nose become red i.e develop wounds/ulcers. (1x2=2 mks) 3
2 marks
Biological factors influencing water requirement of the animal.
- Animal species
- Breed of animal
- Age of animal
- Physiological status of the animal (½x2mks)
2 marks
a) Factors to consider to select eggs for incubation
- Should be fertilized
- Should be of medium size(55-60 gm in weight)
- Should have smooth shells
- Should be oval in shape.
- Should be free from any cracks in the shells.
- Be clean to ensure pores are open
- Have be fresh eggs i.e collected within one week
- Have no abnormalities
- Should be have been stored for more than 8-10 days (½x2=2 mks)
b) Activities carried on table-birds after killing
- Plucking of feathers
- Dressing
2 marks
a) Flushing
- Refers to extra feeding of female with high quality feeds before mating.
b) Reasons for flushing.
- Increase conception rate, due to high ovulation
- Facilitate implantation of the zygote
- In sheep it increases lambing percentage (1x2=2mks)
3 marks
Reasons for keeping livestock healthy
- Livestock grow faster and reach maturity early.
- Livestock give high quality products.
- Keep the cost of production low by saving the cost of treating diseases.
- Control spread of the spread of diseases to other livestock and human being.
- Animals live longer and more productive lives.
- They produce more of their products
- They breed regularly (½x4=maks)
2 marks
7a) Bacterial diseases.
- Mastitis
- Foot rot
- Contagious abortion(Brucellosis/Bang’s)diseases
- Scours
- Black quarter
- Anthrax
- Pneumonia (½x4=2 mks)
b) Reasons for proper livestock nutrition
- For energy giving
- For growth and repair of worn out tissues (½x2 mks)
3 marks
a) Definition of bee-swarming
- Refers to a bee colony or part of it is in flight.
b) Reasons for Bee-swarming
- Shortage of food and water in their surrounding
- Out break of diseases and parasites
- Damage of broadf combs
- Lack of adequate ventilation
- Dampness and bad smell within the environment
- Suck or infertile queen
- Over crowding (½x4=2 mks)
2.5 marks
a) Meaning of docking
- Refers to removal of tail or dock (1 mk)
b) Reasons for docking
- Facilitate tupping or mating
- Prevent blow infestation
- To give a good fat distribution throughout the body (½x4=2 mks)
3 marks
a) Components of milk
- Proteins
- Fats
- Carbohydrates(lactose)
- Minerals
- Water (½x4=2 mks)
b) Factors affecting milk composition
- Age of the animal
- Condition of the animal
- Stage of lactation and pregnancy
- Completeness of milking
- Breed differences
- Season of the year
- Type of feed eaten by the animal
- Presence of diseases (1x2=2 mks)
3 marks
Observable features of dairy cattle breeds
- Have wedge to triangular shaped bodies
- Have straight topline
- Have well set a part hind quarters
- Have large and well developed udders with large teats that are well spaced
- Have prominent milk veins
- Have lean bodies that carry little flesh(The pinbone is visible)
- Have large stomach.
2 marks
Differences between dromedary and bacterian
1.5 marks
Distinguishing characters between landrace and large white
1 marks
4 Reasons for using farm tools and equipment.
- Increase efficiency on the farm
- Enhance production
- Enhance safety on the farm (1x2=2 mks)
2 marks
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provideda) Identification
J-Steel float
K-Manson’s trowel
L-Plumb bob
M-Manson’s square
P-Trocar and Cannular (½x6=3 mks)
b) Concrete ingredients
- Sand
- Aggregates
- Cement (1x2=2 mks)
5 marks
i) Parts of the udder
W-Secretory alveolus/Aveolus
X-Gland cistern(milk cistern/lactiferous sinks)
Y-Teat cistern(sinus)
Z-Teat canal(nipple/sinus) (½x4 mks)
ii) Milk- let-down
- Refers to flow of milk from the upper region of the udder(alveolar region)to the gland and teat cisterns and then out of the teat.
iii) Hormones that controls milk-let-down
- Oxytocin
- Adrenalin (1x2=2 mks)
iv) Qualities of clean milk
- Free from disease-causing organisms
- Has no hair,dirt,or dust
- Is of high keeping quality
- Has good fat flavour
- Its chemical composition is within the expected standards (½x4=2 mks)
7 marks
Identification of farm-structure
(i) Fold unit/Ark 1 mk
(ii) Parts A& B
A-wire meshed area(open area)
B-wheels of the fold structure ½x2=2 mks
(iii)The purpose of unroofed area is to allow light into the structure 1 mk
4 marks
(i) Opportunity cost-Refers to the best altenative forgone 1 mk
(ii) Opportunity when it is zero (2 mks)
(i)When there is no alternative
(ii)Free grifts Factors of production
- Land
- Capital
- Labour
- Management/enterprenuership
4 marks
SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section.Practices to be carried out to improve milk production in low yielding hard of dairy cattle (10 mks)
- Proper selection of highly yielding animals
- Select animals with good health
- All poor milk producers
- Select animals with good dairy conformation characteristics Select animals with high fertility
- Use semen from superior bulls to serve the cows
- Mate or serve heifers at the right age/weight
- Maintain the right calving interval by serving the cows at the right time
- Treat sick animals appropriately
- Control diseases usingappropriate method e.g(Vaccination)
- De worm the herd regularly
- Control external parasites using appropriate methods e.g dipping,spraying,dusting e.t.c
- Practice proper hygiene on the farm
- Feed animals on a balanced ratio
- Ensure animals get adequate food
- Provide minerals/vitamins supplements
- House ther animals properly
- Carry out proper milking techniques
- Give the animals adequate drinking water (1x10=10 mks)
c) Maintenance practices on a fish pond
- Planting grass on the walltops to prevent soil erosion
- Control weeds a round the pond
- Proper fencing to be maintened a round the pond by replacing the damaged wires.
- Clean the pond by removing foreign particles and other organisms.
- Maintain good water level in the pond. (1x5=5 mks)
c) Factors considered when selecting materials for constructing farm structures.
- Cost of the materials
- Availability of the materials
- Skill needed in using the materials
- Capital available
- Durability of the material
- Strength of the material
- Climate of the area
- Use of the structure
- Permanency of the structure (1x5=5 mks)
20 marks
a) Maintenance of a wheelbarrow
- Lubricate the wheel; axle to reduce friction
- Clean it after the days work
- Use it to carry the right amount of load
- Tighten any loose nuts and bolls
- Repair/replace broken parts e.g handle
- Paint it to avoid rusting (1x5=5 mks)
c) Requires of a good Calf pen
- Should be well ventilated/well aerated
- Drought free
- Well drainaged floor
- Easy to clean /concrete floor
- Adequate floor space
- Well lit
- Provide for single housing
- Leak proof
- Dry and warm (1x5=5 mks)
20 marks
a)(i) Virus (of the peramyxovirus group) 1x1=1 mk
- Nasal discharge forcing the birds to shake heads in order to clear them
- Water greenish diarrhoea
- Coughing and sneezing
- Drooping of wings
- Birds walk with staggering motion since the nervous system is affected
- Closing of eyes almost all the time
- Walking in staggering(backward) in circular motion
- Breaks remain wide open and the neck strained
- Twisting of the head and neck
- Gasping for air and producing a harsh rasp sound during breathing
- In acute form sudden death
- Birds often have beaks and wings down
- Eggs laid have soft shells (1x10 mks)
Controls measures
- Vaccinate birds at regular interval/vaccinate birds of 3 days old,3 mks,3 months old and later after 6 months
- Slaughtering infected birds
- Imposition of quarantine
- Avoid over crowding in poultry houses
- Disinfect poultry houses before bringing in new stock
- Ensure proper farm hygiene (1x4=4 mks)
b) Control measures of tape worms
- Rotational grazing
- Proper dispersal of human waste
- Proper meat inspection
- Plough the pasture land to kill all cysts
- Proper cooking of meat
- Deworm animals regularly with appropriate drug (1x5=5 mks)
20 marks