History and Government Paper 1 Marking Scheme
History and Government Paper 1
1(I). -Understanding how the laws are made and enforced.
-Help to understand the development programmes and how they are
-Help one to learn how the government raises and spent revenue.
-Help one to know how powers are put in different institution of the government e.g. legislative, executive and judiciary.
-Helps one to understand and appreciate the need for government.
-Helps one to appreciate the constitution and the processes of making and reviewing laws.
-Help one to know our roles as citizens and role of leaders who govern us. (2 marks)
2 marks
Iteso (1 mark)
1 marks
To enhance security (1 mark)
1 marks
-Crop farming
-Livestock keeping
-Iron making
-Hunting (2 marks)
2 marks
-They acted as the court of appeal.
-Thy settle disputes / maintaining law and order.
-They made laws.
-They advise warriors. (2 marks)
2 marks
-French (2 marks)
2 marks
-To force the African to work in European settler farm. (1 mark)
1 marks
-Somali (2 marks)
2 marks
-Hurry Thuku (1 mark)
1 marks
-Strikes / riots
-Go slow/sit – ins
-Demonstrations and petitions. (2 marks)
2 marks
-To offer cheap labour on European farms (1 mark)
1 marks
-To offer cheap labour on European farms (1 mark
2 marks
-Gave assent to bill before they become law.
-Appointed administrator.
-Supervised provincial administration.
-Hand cases.
-Overall in charge of the colony.
-Represented the British Government / answerable to the British Government. (2 marks)
2 marks
-To protect the country form external attack (1 mark)
1 marks
Independent electrol and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).(No abbreviation used)
1 mark)
1 marks
-Reccurent (2 marks)
2 marks
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer three questions in this section.17a. -Increased conflicts in the area of settlement.
-They influenced the way life of other communities they found in other areas (assimilation.)
-Displaced some communities.
-Population increased in the area o settlement.
-Increased trade as they traded with the Nandi and Akamba.
-They adopt agriculture.
-They intermarry with others.
-Enrichment of language /language exchange.
-Exchange of political system e.g. the office of Orkoyot which was borrowed from the Maasai. (5 marks)
b. -The Maasai was ruled by council of elders.
-The council of elders was responsible for maintaining law and order, making decision about ceremonies declaring war.
-There was age-set system which exercised leadership role.
-There existed class of warriors who were called morans who defended community and carried our raids.
-There were netual leaders who’s functions was to preside over religious functions and advice the community during the crisis. (10 marks)
15 marks
18a. -They lived in settlement which were politically independent of each other, they rulers having sultans.
-Majority were Muslims.
-Kiswahili was the common language.
-They participated in Indian Ocean Trade.
-The artchectural design of houses was influenced by Arabs and persons.
-They practised mixed farming.
-They practised fishing.
-Practising spinning and warning.
-States were controlled by Islamic law called Sheria
-They were dressing the Kanzu and buibui.
b. -Rivalry for the controls of Indian Ocean trade.
-Wars of conquest by Portuguese against Coastal settlement.
-Invassion of the settlement by Simbaa warrior community from Zambezi valley.
-They caused wide spread destruction.
-Unfavourable climatic condition which was characteristic by less rainfall and shortage of water e.g. in trade.
-Was between Orman Arabs and Portuguese over the control of Coastal region.
-African middlemen divided trade goods to the Northern routs to avoid towns which were under the portugues.
15 marks
19a. -Women raised money for political parties.
-They participated in public rallies.
-Compose songs in praise of political parties or leaders.
-Pressurized their husbands and other relatives to support the nationalists causes.
b. -Compose songs to mobilize people.
-Actual as spies for Mau Mau warriors.
-Co-ordinated rural networks to supply the provisions needed by the fights.
-They participated in the armed struggling e.g.Marshal Muthoni and Nduta wa kure.
-Were tortured by colonial agents but did not betray the Mau Mau clause.
-Many women were imprisoned and even detained. (12 marks)
15 marks
-Respect other people / there property.
-Obedience to laws of the country.
-Participate in development projects.
-participate in democratic/electrole processes.
-Being loyal/patriotic to one’s country
Practicing integrity / honest when performing duties.
-Reporting law breakers to the authority.
-Efficient use of Natural resources. (5 marks).
b. -Paying school fees to pursue further studies.
-Many education institutions have been constructed using the funds raised.
-Physical facilities have been constructed or improved.
-Teaching / learning materials have been purchased or donated.
-Additional staff /workers.
-Co-curricular activities have been supported by well wishers thus enabling learners to exploit talents.
15 marks
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer three questions in this section.a. -One become legally recognized member of a country.
-Citizenship confers equal rights of all before the law.
-Citizenship confers certain privileges e.g. voting rights. (3 marks)
. b. Showing disloyalty.
-Direct participation in war against Kenya.
-Trading and assisting any other form of assistance to enemy countries.
-Imprisonment by account of law in any country for a period or more before the expiry of five years after registration/nationalization.
-Living for a period of seven years without good cause.
-Obtaining citizenship through false ways. (fraud).
-By parliament act /decision.
-Possession of two citizenship.
15 marks
a. - Court o appeal
- Chief magistrate court
- Resident magistrate court.
- Senior principle magistrate court.
- Special courts /tribunals.
–in order to make the co-ordination of Government programmes and administration effectively.
-To enable the government to facilitate division of labour.
-To prevent abuse of power and provide cheques and balance.
-To promote efficient service delivery.
-It is a constitutional requirement.
- To enhance accountability and transparence.
-To ensure that no arm of the government interfere with other.
15 marks
23a. -Advise and assist the president.
-Discuss matters of National and international concern.
-Formulate government policies
-Initiate bills and table government bills in the house.
-Give direction to the respective ministries. (5 marks)
b. -Poor payment and terms of service.
-Corruption which is high.
-Job insecurity due to retrenchment.
-Inadequate funds.
-Long and to cumbersome government procedure.
-Inefficient and incompetence of some office. (10 marks)
15 marks