History and Government Paper 1 Question Paper
2016 KCSE 4MCK Joint Exam
History and Government Paper 1
SECTION A: (25 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section.Identify the cradle land of the River-Lake Nilotes.
1 marks
State two reasons for the dispersal of the Eastern Bantu from Shungwaya.
2 marks
Give one main characteristic of the early Coastal City states.
1 marks
State two factors that contributed to the decline of Gede town.
2 marks
Name one crop that was introduced by the Portuguese along the Coast of Kenya.
1 marks
Identify one treaty signed between the British and the Germans during the partition of East Africa.
1 marks
Name two Kenyan Communities which responded with mixed reaction to British colonial rule.
2 marks
Give two duties of African Chiefs during the colonial period.
2 marks
Name the cash crop that was introduced in Kenya by missionaries.
1 marks
Name one farmers co-operative and one farmers association that were established by
Lord Delamere.
2 marks
Name two members of the African elected member organization.
2 marks
Identify the member who resigned to allow for Daniel arap Moi’s nomination to the
Legco in 1955.
1 marks
Define the term ‘National Philosophy’.
1 marks
Give two main classes of human rights.
2 marks
State two ways through which Kenyan citizenship may be acquired.
2 marks
Define the term “Parliamentary Supremacy’ as applied in Kenya.
1 marks
Identify one type of land-holding in Kenya.
1 marks
SECTION B: (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this section.a) State five factors that led to the migration of the Eastern Cushites into Kenya. 5mks
b) Explain five results of the migration and settlements of the Eastern Cushites into
Kenya. 10mks
15 marks
a)Why did the Omani Arabs establish control over the Kenyan Coast. 3mks
b) Explain six effects of the contacts between the Kenyan Coast and the outside World
before 1500 AD. 12mks
15 marks
a)State reasons why the British became interested in establishing their control over
Kenya during the second half of the 19th Century. 7mks
b)Expain the results of British occupation of Kenya. 8mks
15 marks
a)Mention the main developments in Agriculture since independence. 5mks
b)Explain five challenges facing land use in Kenyan since independence. 10mks
15 marks
SECTION C: (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions in this section.a)Identify categories of Public Officers whose appointment is not subject to the Public Service
Commission. 5mks
b)Explain five problems facing the Public Service in Kenya. 10mks
15 marks
a)Why is it importance for Kenyans to participate in presidential elections? 3mks
b)Explain six advantages of a Parliamentary democracy. 12mks
15 marks
a)Identify five sources of National Government Levenue. 5mks
b)Explain five reasons why the Kenyan Government prepares a National Budget. 10mks
15 marks