Agriculture Paper 2 Question Paper
2016 Pre KCSE
Agriculture Paper 2
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.Name the breed of goat that produces high quality wool.
1 marks
State two advantages of using wood in the construction of a farm building
1 marks
State two functional differences between petrol and diesel engines.
2 marks
Name the intermediate host of the following parasites
i. Tapeworm
ii. Liver fluke
1 marks
Differentiate between
i. Drift lambing
ii. Pen lambing
1 marks
Give two reasons why the walls of the dairy shed should be white washed instead of painting with water or oil paints.
1 marks
Mention four pre-disposing factors of scours in calves.
2 marks
Outline three reasons why calves should be fed on colostrums.
1.5 marks
State two functions of a queen bee in a colony
1 marks
List two groups of vitamin as applied to livestock nutrition.
1 marks
Give four advantages of using a spray in tick control in livestock.
2 marks
Give three importance of flushing in sheep management.
1.5 marks
State three factors that dictate livestock distribution in Kenya.
1.5 marks
Name three reasons that necessitate handling of livestock in the farm.
1.5 marks
List three non chemical control measures in livestock production.
1.5 marks
Under what condition would a farmer prefer to use an ox- cart instead of a tractor-drawn trailer? Give
three reasons
1.5 marks
State four grades into which Kenya Meat Commission may classify the carcasses
2 marks
Why is it not recommended to use saw dust in an incubator
1 marks
List two tools used in closed castration
1 marks
State four qualities of good creep feed.
1 marks
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided. The diagram below represents farm tools.
i. Identify the tools labeled A and B (1mark)
ii. Give one use of each tools mentioned in (i) above. (2marks)
iii. Give the two maintenance practices which should be carried out on tool C (2marks)
5 marks
A farmer in Makueni County owns 16 milking cows. In addition to feeding these animals with nippier
grass, the farmer prepares home mixed ratio in them. During this dry season, the farmer has decided to mix 600kg of the ratio using oats DCP 40% and sim sim cake DCP 60% using the Rearsons square
i. Determine the quantities of each feed the farmer will need to make a ratio containing 20% DCP for the animals. (4 marks)
ii. State two factors affecting feed digestibility. (1mark)
5 marks
The diagram below shows an animal drawn implement. Use it to answer the following questionsiii. Give the two maintenance practices which should be carried out on tool C
2 marks
Below are illustrations of animal hooves and activity being done
a) What activity is going on in diagram F (1mark)
b) Which of the above hooves is likely to predispose foot rot infection? (1mark)
c) Name an appropriate tool for carrying out the above activity (1mark)
d) Other than protecting animals from foot rot give another one reason for carrying out the activity.
ii Give three reasons for seasoning timber before use (1½ marks)
5.5 marks
SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer only two questions from this section in the spaces provideda) Describe the features of ideal calf pen. (10marks)
b) Distinguish between cropping and harvesting as used in fish farming (2marks)
c) Describe the maintenance practices on a fish pond or describe management practices that would
ensure maximum fish harvest from a fish pond. (8marks)
20 marks
a) Discuss coccidiosis disease under the following headings
(i). Causal organism (1mark)
(ii).Livestock species attacked (4marks)
(iii).Symptoms of attack (4marks)
(iv). Control measures. (3marks)
b) Describe the procedure of obtaining clean milk from a cow (10marks)
20 marks
i) Describe the life cycle of a two host tick (6marks)
ii) Describe digestion in a rumen of ruminant (8marks)
b) Explain three methods of acaricide application (6marks)
20 marks