History and Government Paper 2 Question Paper
History and Government Paper 2
SECTION A: (25 Marks)
Answer all the questionsWhat is Pre- history? (1mk)
1 marks
Give one archaeological site in Ethiopia. (1mk)
1 marks
Give two benefits of domesticated animals. (2mks)
1 marks
Give two effects of early Agriculture in Egypt. (2mks)
2 marks
Name any type of trade. (1mk)
1 marks
Give any two ways through which slaves were acquired during the Trans- Atlantic trade. (2mks)
2 marks
Which invention is associated with Michael Faraday (1mk)
1 marks
Give two challenges that face industrialization in India. (2mks)
2 marks
Give two problems facing Cairo as urban centre. (2mks)
2 marks
State the role played by the Tuaregs in the Trans- Saharan trade. (1mk)
1 marks
Give two reasons why the Odwira festival was held among the Asante. (2mks)
2 marks
Mention any two factors that undermine scientific advancement. (2mks)
2 marks
Name any chartered company that administered European colonial possession in Africa. (1mk)
1 marks
Give one African community that collaborated with European colonization.
1 marks
Give two functions of the Lukiiko. (2mks)
2 marks
Which was the immediate cause of the World War I. (1mk)
1 marks
Why was the League of Nations formed? (1mk)
1 marks
SECTION B: (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions. a) Give the negative impacts of the Trans-Saharan trade. (3mks)
b) Discuss the positive impacts of telecommunications today. (12mks)
15 marks
. a) Which methods were used by Europeans to acquire colonies in Africa? (3mks)
b) Give reasons why Samori Toure resisted the French for long. (12mks)
15 marks
. a) Give the economic activities of the Shona people. (3mks)
b) Discuss the grievances of the Ndebele and the Shona that led to the Chimurenga war. (12mks)
12 marks
a) State ways in which Julius Nyerere assisted in the struggle for independence in Mozambique. (3mks)
b) Which factors favoured the success of FRELIMO nationalists during their struggle for independence in Mozambique.
15 marks
SECTION C: (30 Marks)
Answer any TWO questionsa) Give reasons why indirect system of administration was adopted in Nigeria. (3mks)
.b) Why did the policy of assimilation fail in Senegal. (12mks)
15 marks
. a) Which factors contributed to the decline of the Asante Empire? (3mks)
b) Give reasons for nationalism in Ghana. (12mks)
15 marks
a) State reasons for the growth of the Buganda Kingdom. (5mks)
b) What were the effects of the British rule in Zimbabwe (10mks)
15 marks